Vocational training of youngsters and adults

Vocational training of youngsters and adults
- Initial qualification and specialization

Vocational training for youngsters and unemployed adults is developed in cooperation with the National Institute for Employment and Vocational Training. Training is divided into following types according to application requirements and output profile:


  • Apprenticeship, initial vocational training, double certification, for youngsters aged 14 to 25, with the 9th school grade. Approximately 3 years long, these courses confer an academic diploma (12th school grade – mandatory schooling) and a professional diploma (European Qualification level 4). Apprenticeship courses favor the integration in the labor market, but also allow the continuation of studies at university.
  • Technological Specialization Courses, targets adults up to 40 years of age with mandatory schooling completed (12th school grade). These 1-year long post-secondary courses confer scientific or technological specialization in a given area (European Qualification Level 5). Besides the technological specialization diploma issued by ATEC, the trainees take an exam which gives them the possibility to obtain an international diploma issued by the German-Portuguese Chamber for Commerce and Industry, that acknowledges their qualifications internationally.

  • Education and Training of Adults, double certification courses (European Qualification Level 4) for unemployed adults, with the 9th school grade, who wish to increase their academic and professional qualifications.



In the sum of the three training types mentioned above, ATEC develops a remarkable amount of training hours:


Training at ATEC is developed according to the German dual system.The trainees’ daily tasks as similar as possible of the routines and work environment that they will find in their future workplaces.



The courses are divided into four training components: sociocultural, scientific and technological, developed at ATEC, and practical training developed at the workplace in a partner company.  In this scope, ATEC establishes annually cooperation agreements with companies of various activity sectors.  

In the scope of vocational training for youngsters and adults, ATEC develops the following courses:





The annual average number of traineesattendingvocational trainingcourseshas increasedsubstantially:





ATEC has over 300 partner companies that host trainees during the on-the-job periods. Among many other, the following can be referred:


In the scope of Technological Specialization courses (European qualification level 5), ATEC has been establishing agreements with industrial partners in order to create and develop courses according to their present and future needs in terms of qualified labor force.

Additionally, ATEC has signed Cooperation Protocols with higher education institutions that aim at credit points equivalence for technological specialization trainees that wish to continue their studies at university.
Our academic partners in Portugal are:

  • Higher Institute of Technology
  • University of Oporto
  • University of Aveiro
  • Higher Institute of Engineering of Oporto
  • Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal
  • Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo
  • Polytechnic Institute of Viseu



Mobility Programs

The international mobility of the trainees within the European Union has always been highly regarded, as a way of conveying contact with different training, work and cultural contexts.

Under the European exchange program Erasmus +, over 70 trainees have had the chance to undergo training and internship periods in factories of the Volkswagen Group in Germany, namely in Wolfsburg and Hannover and in Audi in Ingolstadt, and also in Bentley Motors, in England.

Corporate responsibility

‘Tu importas’ program

In 2013, ATEC accepted the challenge of the Volkswagen Workers Foundation (Volkswagen Belegschaftsstiftung), an organization with headquarters in Germany, to develop a social-oriented training project, aimed at young people with the 9th school grade, at risk of dropping out of school for socioeconomic reasons.

The project was called Tu importas (You matter) and is primarily intended to:

  • prevent school dropout due to socioeconomic reasons
  • promote vocational training in the dual system
  • promote personal development
  • facilitate the integration in the labor market

Totally financed by the Volkswagen Workers Foundation, the project embraces 100 youngsters from the Setúbal and Lisbon regions, divided by 5 apprenticeship classes, developed by ATEC and certified by the National Institute for Employment and Vocational Training. 




ATEC - Training Academy

ATEC - Training Academy

ATEC – Training Academy, created in December 2003, is the outcome of a project conceived by the promoters Volkswagen Autoeuropa, Siemens, Bosch and the German-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, with the support of the Portuguese Government, aiming to provide Portugal with a Training structure that would meet the needs of the Industrial cluster in terms of staff training and qualification. 

The promoter Companies established has main guidelines, the fulfilment of their resources, and the market’s, training needs and qualify or reconvert unemployed resources according to the high requirements and quality standards they normally practice. Moreover, the academy is to act in the market in a free competition regime, in order to provide services in the fields of training and consultancy, to all companies or entities that request its intervention. 

In order to respond to the needs the industry nationwide, ATEC is strategically located in the south of Portugal, being its headquarters located in Volkswagen Autoeuropa’s suppliers Park, and a delegation in the north, near Siemens Park in Oporto.

ATEC’s core business is the professional qualification of youngsters in several technical areas. ATEC training methodology according to German standards binds theory and practice allowing trainees to experience the routine of a normal worker and acquire a set of values and attitudes that help them grow professionally and individually. Thus, along a strong theoretical component, the trainees undergo long periods of practical training in a real working context, in several partner companies, where they apply and expand their knowledge.  Most of these SME’s end up integrating the trainees into their staff due. 

The Academy has a very high employment rate, hence contributing actively to the reduction of unemployment and to the creation of professional skills, key factors to raise Portugal’s competitiveness within the European space.

ATEC also offers companies Taylor-made courses and intervention projects in the scope of Operational Consultancy. In the operational scope of areas such as Industrial Organization and Optimization, ATEC acts in the areas of productivity, and quality, through the Lean Management Philosophies and in the milieu of Production Systems. ATEC has also been creating some diversity in its areas of intervention, then it currently develops activities from which one can point out areas linked to Methods, Quality and Logistics, Lean Tools and MTM.  

Due to the work carried out so far, ATEC Training Academy has been gaining merit both nationwide and at an increasing international level. Beyond a vast set of national entities with which ATEC has been cooperating, whether through partnerships and protocols be it with education institutions, including several Universities, and companies that request services of both training and consultancy, several other entities have contacted ATEC, seeking to evaluate their organizations’ methods and methodologies and operating mode, in order to be able to, in some cases, reproduce the experience. 


Message from the Administration


In 2014 ATEC celebrated its 10th anniversary. Ten years of intense activity in terms of training development as well as in the creation of new courses and in the expansion of its activity to other places.

In the sum of its activities, between 2004 and 2014, ATEC developed over 10 million training hours and certified over 3500 young apprentices and specialized technicians. Over these 10 years, ATEC grew, became stronger and continuously adapted itself to the needs conveyed by the market.

Also in 2014, ATEC renewed the Cooperation Agreement with IEFP (governmental entity responsible for Training and Employment) for then more years. This renewal was a sign of the trust the Portuguese Sate has in ATEC’s work in the field of vocational training. Our medium term strategy foresees the intensification of training for the market (companies and independent professionals), expand and consolidate the presence of the academy in Portugal, and in a third step continue the internationalization of the training activities.

The long-term growth strategy is to follow the market trends and participate in national and international projects, with strategic partners, thus allowing ATEC to be in touch with the latest technological evolution. ATEC will also try to strengthen the cooperation with the industry and universities seeking to become the bond between both.

In sum, our strategy is to help promote the development of the country.


Who we are

ATEC – Training Academy, created in December 2003, is the outcome of a project conceived by the promoters Volkswagen Autoeuropa, Siemens, Bosch and the German-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, with the support of the Portuguese Government, aiming at providing Portugal with a training structure that would meet the needs of the industrial clusters in terms of staff training and qualification.

The promoter companies established the guidelines for ATEC:

- Expand practice-oriented training;

- Training according to German standards (Dual System);

- Knowledge transfer and sharing;

- Qualify for the market;

- Strengthen industry, specially the automotive and electronics clusters;

ATEC is certified as a training entity since 2004 by DGERT (governmental entity responsible for training organizations, employment and labor relations). Its Quality Management System is certified according to ISO 9001:2008. Additionally, in 2006, ATEC was acknowledge by the Prime-Minister as Public Utility Institution according to Decree no. 11 707/2006, published on the 31st of May 2006.

pdfATEC - Training Academy


What do we do

The activity is based on three business areas:


Training is organized and developed by highly qualified professionals who use the most adequate and attractive intervention methodologies to accomplish the established goals.


Where we are

ATEC is strategically located in Palmela, near Lisbon, and in Oporto, in order to cover the entire national territory.

In 2012, in response to training needs of regional industrial clusters, ATEC decentralized its training and started developing locally Technology Specialization Courses in Aveiro, Braga, São João da Madeira and Viseu. The year 2014 marked the expansion to the south of the country, hence on October 06, ATEC started a technological specialization course in the port city Sines, where the major oil companies are located.



ATEC Palmela | Headquarters

Edifício ATEC
Quinta da Marqueza - Palmela
Parque Industrial da Volkswagen Autoeuropa
2950-557 Quinta do Anjo
T. 212 107 300
Coordenadas de GPS
N 38º 34'49.81''
W 9º 0'13.57''

     ATEC Porto

     Edifício Siemens
     Av. Mário Brito (EN 107)
     nº 3570 - Freixieiro
     4455-491 Perafita
     T. 229 996 407
     Coordenadas de GPS
     N 41º13’12.32”
     W 8º 41’15.18”


Bosch Termotecnologia

T. 229 996 407




T. 229 996 407


São João da Madeira

SANJOTEC - Centro Empresarial e
Tecnológico de São João da Madeira
T. 229 996 407



Agrupamento de Escolas
Matilde Rosa Araújo
T. 212 107 300


Mobilidade Erasmus

A ATEC disponibiliza aos seus formandos a oportunidade de realizar os seus períodos de formação prática em contexto de trabalho (FPCT), no todo ou em parte, em entidades de acolhimento localizadas noutros países da União Europeia, através da participação em programas de mobilidade financiados pelo Erasmus+. Estas atividades contribuem para o desenvolvimento de diversas competências nos formandos participantes, tais como técnicas e tecnológicas, linguísticas e culturais, contribuindo para a facilitação da sua entrada no mercado de trabalho e de desenvolvimento de carreira em Portugal ou no estrangeiro.

A participação no programa é limitada em função do número de mobilidades aprovadas pela entidade financiadora, aplicando-se o seguinte Processo de Seleção:

1. convite à candidatura

É feito um convite à candidatura de formandos ao programa Erasmus+, através de um comunicado para todos os formandos alvo, em função das vagas disponíveis no programa e da conjugação entre o período de FPCT das turmas e as disponibilidades de acolhimento dos parceiros da ATEC.

2. Análise das candidaturas

Após a receção das candidaturas, são aferidos os resultados com a aplicação dos critérios de Seleção referidos abaixo. Os candidatos são posteriormente seriados em função das vagas disponíveis para cada saída profissional/ turma.

Critérios de Seleção

APZ - Aprendizagem
- Médias das avaliações do 1º período (Ponderação 25%);
- Médias do 2º período das UFCD já terminadas (Ponderação 35%). Em caso de empate é considerada a média mais elevada da componente tecnológica do 2º período;
- Assiduidade e Pontualidade (Ponderação 25%);
- Avaliação do domínio da Língua Inglesa do 2º período (Ponderação 15%);
- Parecer da Equipa Formativa sobre atitudes e comportamentos (Carácter Eliminatório);
- Entrevista de seleção em Língua Inglesa (Carácter Eliminatório);

CET - Cursos de Especialização Tecnológica
- Médias das avaliações já terminadas (Ponderação 35%). Em caso de empate prevalece a média das UFCD da componente tecnológica;
- Assiduidade e Pontualidade (Ponderação 35%);
- Parecer da Equipa Formativa sobre atitudes e comportamentos (Ponderação 30%). 

3. Entrevista (eliminatória)

Para as entrevistas são chamados os melhores classificados, até perfazer o número máximo de formandos de cada saída profissional/turma que os parceiros da ATEC podem acolher. A entrevista tem caracter eliminatório, tendo como principal objetivo despistar eventuais situações de risco de desistência da mobilidade, que se pretende reduzir ao máximo. No caso dos Cursos de Especialização Tecnológica a entrevista é utilizada para aferir conhecimentos mínimos da língua inglesa.

4. Comunicação dos Resultados

Os resultados são comunicados a todos os candidatos, através dos meios de comunicação internos existentes. Até à assinatura dos contratos de mobilidade é possível substituir eventuais desistências que ocorram neste período.








Financiamento 2024 01


Consultoria de Gestão Estratégica e Operacional

A ATEC posiciona-se como um projeto de intervenção na Consultoria de Gestão Estratégica e Operacional construindo soluções à medida, abrangentes e inovadoras, no panorama empresarial português.

Possuímos os recursos, humanos físicos e materiais necessários para ajudar nos desafios de mudança. O nosso "Know-how", as nossas metodologias e as nossas competências constituem uma mais valia para qualquer gestor que pretenda otimizar a sua organização.

O Nosso Processo

A nossa intervenção baseia-se num processo estruturado, testado e validado, que nos permite identificar as forças motrizes e o potencial da organização bem como as áreas de melhoria existentes. Esta abordagem resulta num diagnóstico organizacional, captando a realidade, a qual será a premissa base para a construção da solução.

Tendo por base uma abordagem sistémica, este método permite-nos compreender, identificar, desenvolver e avaliar as atividades. Consideramos fundamental que todas as fases de intervenção sejam acompanhadas no terreno de modo a garantir que os objetivos inicialmente traçados sejam efetivamente alcançados. Deste modo interagimos directa e continuadamente com as pessoas cujas funções são implicadas nos projetos de intervenção.

ATEC - Consultoria

Apostamos numa intervenção indutora das melhores práticas assumindo, sempre, um compromisso de Integridade, Ética Profissional e Objetividade face aos desafios que os clientes nos colocam.

A Nossa Intervenção

A concretização do nosso processo consubstancia-se em definir claramente os objetivos, planear a intervenção e, após aprovação do cliente, implementar o projeto. Este enquadramento permite-nos disponibilizar os nossos serviços de uma forma integrada, intervindo e envolvendo todos os níveis estruturais da organização – abordagens Top/Down e Bottom/Up.

Diferenciamo-nos pela abordagem totalmente focalizada no cliente, com objetivos de projeto claramente definidos e mensuráveis, independentemente do nível hierárquico.

Deste modo, utilizamos ferramentas concretas de diagnóstico, de implementação e de avaliação, nas diferentes fases do projeto. Concretamente:


  • Entrevistas
  • Questionários e Inquéritos
  • Análise Documental
  • Observação
  • Análise de incidentes críticos
  • Identificação de Oportunidades de melhoria


  • Reorganização de Processos
  • Otimização de Funções
  • Otimização de Produção
  • Melhoria da Produtividade
  • Desenvolvimento de Competências
  • Implementação de Sistemas de Gestão


  • Follow-up
  • Processos de Melhoria Contínua
  • Mensuração de Resultados

Instalações de Palmela

A sede da ATEC situa-se nas instalações em Palmela que conta uma oferta diversificada de formação e umas instalações únicas. Temos um Edifício com uma área total de 9.800 m² criados de raiz a pensar na Formação. Dispomos de 11 Oficinas, 18 Laboratórios e 11 Salas teóricas totalmente equipados.



Edifício ATEC, Quinta da Marquesa – Palmela
Parque Industrial da Volkswagen Autoeuropa 2950-557 Quinta do Anjo

T. 21 210 73 00 | E. info@atec.pt

Coordenadas GPS

Latitude - N 38º 34'49.81''
Longitude - W 9º 0'13.57''

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